Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eclipse Party

I am not a die-hard fan, but I was able to go to the premier of Eclipse and it was pretty fun, I hav
e to say. I read the books and liked them, but movies 1 and 2, not so impressed. This was by far the best one of the three, I thought all of the characters were better portrayed, except Edward (I guess I'm just not digging Robert Pattinson). Reading the books, I was Team Edward, movies- Team Jacob for sure. If that isn't obvious from the picture... Edward was also there, but we didn't even bother with him, no offense to those on team Edward.


Jess said...

I'm a team Jacob as well... Edward creeps me out, he's not nearly as hunky, and doesn't nearly have the naughty body Jacob does... Yes, I'm shallow. LOL!

Jami said...

Totally Jacob, the whole way through. But I did see a shirt that would be perfect for you. It said, "I'm team Edward, Except when Jacob has his shirt off."

Nicole said...

Hey, your new boyfriend is super cute! Does Dustin know about him?? lol!! You'll have to tell me how the movie was when I see you tomorrow!!! Yay!! tomorrow!! :)