Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cute Cousins

I love that Justus is getting old enough to start actually playing with his cousins, especially this one, Madoc. He is the closest to Justus's age on Dustin's side. He is with this little guy 4-6 days a week, so they better get along! They were playing so great together so I decide to hurry and throw a few dishes in the dishwasher. When I looked over to see how they were doing, this is what I saw. I had to laugh! What funny boys!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just an Experiment

I found a way to upload BIG pictures on your blog so I decided to check it out... and here's the result! I'm so technologically challenged, it's sad! I'm learning, though! I never got to post these pictures of Justus because they are his 11 month pictures and I got his birthday pictures posted first so here's my attempt to show-off my cute little bug at 11 months.
So it kind of works, but I can only do the medium size because when I had the large size, it cuts-off half the picture. Oh well, they are a bit bigger than Blogger will put on, so there you have it. Isn't that the sweetest picture??? Well, I love it, anyways! :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Partners in Crime

No, we did not get a dog (thankfully!), we are dog-sitting for Brian and Cassie while they are off enjoying some nice Caribbean sunshine. Justus has had so much fun having Pooka around. They get along great, they both love her "house" and being outside. They would both constantly be begging to go out and play- as you can see. Justus learned how to say "Pooka" pretty quick and that would be the first thing he would ask for in the morning. Boys and their dogs! Thanks for the loaner!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had such a great Easter! It was the first year Dustin and I have ever done eggs (I don't know why, but it was) and we had so much fun doing it! Justus had gone to bed by the time we got around to it, but he had fun with them in the morning. We hit my parents for lunch and Sherriyl's for dinner... we got totally spoiled with good food! Sherryil had a scavenger hunt for the kids. Justus wasn't really into figuring out his clues ;) but he was sure excited with the end result! Hope your Easter was as fun as ours!