Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gender Reveal Party!!!

From the moment they found out we were having a new baby, the kids have been dying to know the gender, both of them having different opinions of what is was.  It's finally time so we had one of my sweet co-workers take the super secret envelope from the ultra sound tech and fill our pinata.  We had to wait four days from the time of the appointment to the day of the party.  We were so anxious as all the cousins and friends lined up to have a go at opening the pinata.  It worked out perfectly that everyone got a chance, and on the last person, Cambree, one green frootie tootie fell out before the whole thing came open.  IT'S A BOY, and we couldn't be more excited to meet our little man!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Shaye's Two Year Pictures

Shaye loves to tease, her favorite joke? "Guess what?! Chicken butt!!!!"  Her favorite toy is her chubby baby, and she has to take it everywhere.  She has a set of blankets that are the only blankets she will use, and she has to have one with her to nap.  They are the two Grandma Liechty made her when she was born, Grandma made Justus two also, so if hers are being washed, she is okay to have the substitute, but not for long.  Her favorite color is PINK, PINK, PINK!  She is outgoing and keeps up with all the friends cruising around the neighborhood. She would jump on the trampoline all day if I would let her.  She is quite the daredevil; she will climb as high as she can get anywhere and when she swings, no regular push will do.  It has to be "high in the sky," and she's quick to tell you if it's not high enough.  Her favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse Club house, and her favorite food is Mac and Cheese, although she prefers milk to anything.  The favorite moments of my day are spent early each morning with Shaye insisting on a sipper of milk and cuddling in bed with Mom.  This girl amazes me, she is smart, caring, and super sassy.  Shakespeare described this girl perfectly when he wrote, "Though she be but little, she is fierce."  Shaye does not let anyone get in the way of what she wants, she is strong and stubborn, and we love every ounce of her. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our Minnie Birthday

Shaye had such a fun 2nd birthday!  She had so many friends come celebrate with her, and she loved every second of it.  She got totally spoiled, of course, so thank you to everyone who helped make that such a special day for her!  We are so blessed to have this Minnie Princess in our lives, she is so crazy and sweet.  Love you, Girl!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had an amazing Easter!  Hope you did too!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Party Fit For a Super Hero

 Justus turned four on the 21st and we had so much fun celebrating!  He woke up to a fully decorated party room and "worm cakes (If you've scene Hotel Transylvania, you'll know what I'm talking about)."  Dustin got off work at noon and we headed for Crystal Hot Springs for some swim time and finished the day off with a saddle ride at Texas Roadhouse. 

 Friday night we had a big Superman party with cousins and friends.  He's got some pretty amazing cousins... they made it a party full of super heroes!  Could any four year old ask for more?!?!

 We love our guy so much!  He has given us four amazing years!