Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Month Four

Justus had such a fun 4th month! He grew so much and had such a great time doing it. We took him camping. It was the annual camping trip with Dustin's family. It was fun, but super cold! I think it hovered around a balmy 45 degrees most of the weekend. We had just got our new four wheeler so we got to test that out. Good fun! Justus seemed to enjoy the rides we took him on... other than the frozen eyeballs. He tried his first tastes of food and man is that good stuff! He loves to help me feed him and for whatever reason, he thinks cereal time is social time because he just jabbers away as I'm trying to spoon it in. He loves to eat, though! His favorite trick he learned is to blow spit bubbles; talk about fun! He really enjoys doing that while eating, too. It's really not surprising that he and I both end-up with cereal splattered all over us! It makes for a lovely mess!


Nicole said...

What a little cutie! I love his spikey hair!

Jami said...

Wow, He's growing so fast!!