Is that not the sweetest two year old?? I'd have to say so! He was so excited about everything... his dump truck cake, his "surprises," his cousins coming, people singing "Ha
ppy Birthday" to him, his balloons. What a great birthday! It was actually a three day long event that started at the Fun Park w
ith some bowling, soft play, and pizza, and ended on his actual birthday with Chick-fil-A. This is one of his personal favorites because he gets to indulge in some of his favorite foods (nuggets and french fries with "sauces") and of course, run around like crazy at the playland.
Justus at 2:
Shoe size: 5
Diaper size: 4
Favorite Movie: Incredibles, which is also where he gets his
Favorite one-liner: "Edna Mode." At Christmas time it was "The, the, the, the Grinch!"
Favorite food: corn dogs and french fries with sauces
Favorite activity: four wheeling with Dad. He has become and expert at driving his four wheeler around the house- no crashing into walls or furniture, even while attempting stunts- which stem from another favorite, watching four wheelers on YouTube doing anything- tricks, jumping, racing, crashing, mudding. I see ER visits as I look at this boys future. Although, he does like to wear his helmet around the house. He will wear it for hours, insisting that it has to stay on.
Favorite book: Go, Dogs! Go!
Favorite sport: basketball, Aggie basketball to be specific, he knows all the cheers and the "Scotsman," Tai Wesley is his favorite player. He loves to "shoot hoops" with any ball he can find.
Favorite song: You are my Sunshine
Loves to help get himself dressed and help us put our shoes and socks on.
He needs his daddy and his puppy when he's tired.
Loves to shovel and vacuum.
Will inform us every time we get a vehicle, "The car is dirty. We need to go to the car wash." For whatever reason, this kid loves the car wash. I'm guessing he's going to make sure we have the cleanest cars we've ever had.
He is learning his alphabet and to count to "10." Knows "his" letter "j" very well.
He loves to tease and will do it any way he can.
I love this! What an amazing 2 year old!!
For some reason my computer can't pull up the pics from this post or the post before. :(
I can't believe your little guy is 2 already! He is a handsome little man. I should have figured this out earlier but just looked through your blog and congrats on the girl! I am so excited for you guys.
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