Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time for a Locks of Love donation

So apparently one side effect to this whole pregnancy thing for me has been that my hair is falling out- I know, I know, not a pretty picture! It was making a mess being so long so I decided it was time for to revisit short hair days. It's been over 8 years since I've had even remotely short hair and no where near this short, but hey, if you're going to do it, you might as well do it right, huh?


Nicole said...

Super cute Lisa!!

Jess said...

Oh my heck! I never thought I would see you with that short of hair again. You look cute!

Jami said...

Oh, you look so good! I love the hair! So funny, I just got my hair cut this weekend almost the same as yours. But I got mine cut so the new little one couldn't grab a hold of it anymore. By the time your baby comes you'll be happy for the shortness!

Miss ya tons! - Jami

leisha said...

I can't believe your hair was that long, you look beautiful both ways though!