Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dustin Turns 30!

Wow is he ever old! I can't believe that I married someone so much older than myself, but hey, what do you do?!? We decided to make a weekend of it and got a room in West Valley with a fun swim area. Justus didn't really get into the first day- not that I blame him, the water was freezing cold! He really wanted to go again, though so we thought we might as well. He really had a lot of fun so it's a good thing we tried again! We hit the lights at Temple Square- so beautiful! We haven't done that for a few years so it was great to go again. Justus is loving all the Christmas lights every where so we knew he'd get a kick out of it, and he did! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUSTIN!!! WE LOVE YOU!
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Hatch Family said...

That hotel is like 15 minutes from my house!! I have wanted to go and try the swimming pool.

Nicole said...

He's an old man! 30 years old!! Happy Birthday Dustin! Looks like that hotel pool was awesome!

abo-bder said...

فني تركيب ستلايت بالرياض
فني تركيب دش بالرياض