Can you just see the betrayal on her face on the top picture??? "Mom, how could you possibly even think of setting me down?!?!" I couldn't get those tears to stop so I had to do a reshoot, which didn't go much better the result is the 2nd picture where she's in between sobs. Funny girl, but can't say I blame her too much, it was below freezing both times! This month Shaye found the "D" on the gear shift when she figured out how to crawl forward... and then up... everything! Crawling and being my baby is no longer an option, she has to find the nearest thing she can climb up to and stand. Then when she wants to move on, she squeals to get my attention- she needs my fingers to hold onto so she can walk to wherever it is she thinks she wants to be. Silly girl! She had a tooth finally pop though! She moved up to size 3 diapers, still in size 2 shoes, and loves Justus's "puppies (his snuggle toys)." We all fight over who's baby she is, although I'm positive she's all mine! I just can't get enough of those so sweet toes, tiny fingers, and those oh so irresistible kisser cheeks... what a doll!