Thursday, May 17, 2012

Justus Lee Turns Three

An interview with 3 year old Justus:

Who is your best friend?  Tate
What is your favorite thing to do?  Play games (on the Wii)
What is your favorite color?  Red
What is your favorite food?  Grilled tuna
What do you like to do with your family?  Give them squishers and kissers
What is your favorite toy?  Captain America Shield (he earned the money and bought it himself)
What do you want to be when you grow-up?  A brother
What makes you happy?  When I'm with my family (I didn't even have to pay him for that answer ;))
What makes you sad?  When I get hurt
What is your favorite movie?  The old Superman (these are the first Superman cartoons from the 1940's)
What is your favorite book?  A Great Day for Up
What do you like to learn about?  Climbing up trees
What was the best part of your birthday?  Blowing out candles
Where do you like to go?   The playground
Who is your teacher?  Sister Boswell and Karlie (his awesome nursery leaders)
What is your favorite treat?  Kit Kats and chocolate chip cookies
What do you think about when you fall asleep?  Reading books and singing songs (nap time routine)
If you could meet someone famous who would it be?  Superman
What was your favorite birthday present?  My bike
Who is your favorite superhero?  Superman

We love this guy so much!  He's Mr. Social... he chats up anyone he can get to stop and talk.  He loves superheros and is always ready to save anyone in distress, even if it is just his little sister.


Nicole said...

What a cutie! Sounds like he really likes superman! I love it!

Lesa said...

Has it really been 3 years already? Happy Birthday to Justus! What a handsome little guy and loved your interview.