Sunday, April 11, 2010

Partners in Crime

No, we did not get a dog (thankfully!), we are dog-sitting for Brian and Cassie while they are off enjoying some nice Caribbean sunshine. Justus has had so much fun having Pooka around. They get along great, they both love her "house" and being outside. They would both constantly be begging to go out and play- as you can see. Justus learned how to say "Pooka" pretty quick and that would be the first thing he would ask for in the morning. Boys and their dogs! Thanks for the loaner!


Jess said...

How cute! ... but I'm with you, thankfully it was a loaner. I blame mom and dad for us not liking animals. LOL!

Nicole said...

Ha,Ha! Cute!

Jami said...

So cute. Ned adores all animals too, and our dog is so protective of him. Lately Jimmy has been asking for a puppy. I told him we already have a dog and his response was, "but not a small dog."

Kym said...

Loaners are the best kind. :) That's so cute!!