Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brace Yourself!

Lots of new posts ahead!

5 Months

Man, is that boy cute, or what?! He has had so much fun this month getting mobile and getting into everything! He loves his new found freedom. He is quite the little tease; he is such a play baby. It's so fun to see his personality coming out more everyday. He is so funny and is constantly the source of our entertainment!

This deserves it's own Post

Monkey has been inch worming along for quite awhile now, but about two weeks ago he really got the hang of it and now he's just a going! He is having a ball and is starting to climb upto things and get himself standing. Woo, Woo, what a big boy!

Inspiration Point

We took a ride with my parents, and Brian, Cassie, and Coplin to Inspiration Point. It's an amazing view from the top, looking out over Willard Bay and the Odgen Valley. It was Coplin's first ride. It was a great one to take him on because it was nice and smooth. They had gone through and grated it sometime since our last time there, which was last fall. My parents really enjoyed the ride this time (we were with the same group last fall, minus the babies- well, Justus was technically there, but he was easier to hold on to! ;) ) because we did have the babies and that really slowed us down. As my mom said she could "enjoy the scenery and not have to hold on for dear life." :) Funny, funny! I didn't think we were that crazy before, either way, I'm just glad we can still get out and enjoy the beautiful mountains!

Red Spur

We took Justus, Sherryil, Ty, and Kolter for a fun ride to Red Spur (on your way from Hardware Ranch to Randolph). We thought it was going to be a pretty quick ride, but it was 47 miles! Justus did great and I think everyone else had fun, too. When we got to Red Spur, the wind was blowing like crazy and it was pretty cold- as you can tell from the sweatshirts. I had to laugh at Justus, he looked so funny, but hey, he was still having a great time!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Month Four

Justus had such a fun 4th month! He grew so much and had such a great time doing it. We took him camping. It was the annual camping trip with Dustin's family. It was fun, but super cold! I think it hovered around a balmy 45 degrees most of the weekend. We had just got our new four wheeler so we got to test that out. Good fun! Justus seemed to enjoy the rides we took him on... other than the frozen eyeballs. He tried his first tastes of food and man is that good stuff! He loves to help me feed him and for whatever reason, he thinks cereal time is social time because he just jabbers away as I'm trying to spoon it in. He loves to eat, though! His favorite trick he learned is to blow spit bubbles; talk about fun! He really enjoys doing that while eating, too. It's really not surprising that he and I both end-up with cereal splattered all over us! It makes for a lovely mess!